Partner With Us

Help us Continute to support our ministry and community.

Giving Options

Giving is a form of worship and ownership that we enjoy as part of a local church body. Your support is greatly appreciated and can be processed several ways.

Online Giving

BluePay our online giving resource

Bill Pay

You can set up with your bank. Just use Emmanuel Bible Church 6630 Ogden Ave. Berwyn IL 60402. No account number is needed


Send us your gifts through the mails, use the same address as Bill Pay.


Simply drop off your gift in our mail slot at the front of our building.

Where does Giving Go?

Giving Supports Our Home Ministries

Our Goal is to provide a safe place of community and learning for the Church of Christ. Giving to EBC not only keeps the lights on and the bathrooms clean, it gives us the ability to bless a body of believers with a home to worship in. The money you give supports the staff and their families. It enables the facilities to continue running and functioning properly. It provides resources for teachers and ministries that serve you, your children and reaches out to families at home and abroad through missions.

Giving Supports Our Missionaries

Emmanuel Bible Church supports ministries across the globe, they’re reaching the un-reached in far away countries, jails and camps. Living out the Commandment to make disciples where god has called them to.

Giving is part of our Worship

The Lord has commanded that the church be supported, we see this in the new testament when people are commanded to give up their belongings to support their church. Fulfilling this command is an important aspect of christian life. It unites us in a financial way and is an act of submission.